Arab Security Cyber Wargames 2024 Mission

  • Raise awareness towards the importance of cyber security and its critical role on the safety of our nation
  • Prepare current generation for the future of information security
  • Encourage young generation to study cyber security and get ready for the future needs of cyber security specialists
  • Discover new talents, methods and ideas; and to encourage development in the field of information security

It's our hope that besides discovering gifted hackers and cyber-defenders, Arab Security Cyber Wargames will inspire the development of Information security professionals of the future.

Championship Phases

Registration Phase


21st of July 2024

Qualification Phase


2nd of Aug 2024

Teams Announcement

Selected Teams have been Announced on (4th of Aug 2024)

The Championship

The Championship Will be
23rd of September 2024
This is the real competition phase, in which all teams will be sitting in a hall with one winner team reaching the final stage of the competition phase. More details for this phase will be revealed at the preparation phase.

Rules & Conduct

  • Every participant team should have at least 2 members and a maximum of 5 members
  • For a team to be successful and have a better chance of passing to final stage of the championship, team members should have a different knowledge bases on variety of security domains
  • All members of the team should be physically available at  ASCWG on the championship day. Members who will miss the event will be automatically eliminated from the team. However, after elimination the team members shouldn’t be less than the minimum permitted number of members
  • Team’s representative/leader must be one of the team members and must participate in the ASCWG
  • Team’s representative/leader will be responsible for all other team members and will be the single point of contact between ASCWG and the team, in case of announcements and changes in plans
  • Team's representative/leader must understand the roles of the ASCWG and assists his/her team during the full process. Any violation from the team representative/leader may disqualify the represented team
  • Memory sticks, flash drivers, removable drives and any electronic media or other similar electronic devices are allowed in the room during the championship, but can be used only on the team member’s computers. Exchanging items between other teams will lead to immediate elimination
  • Teams will be expected to supply their own computer or laptop for the championship. The Operations Team will not ;however, be responsible for providing any additional or specialized equipment to connect your device to the competition network.
  • Printed reference materials (books, magazines, checklists) are permitted in championship areas and teams may bring printed reference materials to the competition as specified by the competition officials.
  • Jeopardy, Attack-Defense and mixed real life challenges
  • Different phases with different levels of difficulties
  • Unexpected bounce challenges
  • Changes in the scoring system on different phases
  • Protests by any team must be presented in writing by the team captain to the Operations Team as soon as possible.
  • The competition officials will be the final arbitrators for any protests or questions arising before, during, or after the competition.
  • Rulings by the competition officials are final.
  • All competition results are official and final as of the Closing Ceremony.
  • If you choose to take a dispute or grievance to anyone outside of the Operations Team without first having brought it to the attention for resolution with the Operations Team, expect limited support or possible disqualification from the event.
  • In the event of an individual disqualification, that team member must leave the competition area immediately upon notification of disqualification and must not re-enter the competition area at any time. Disqualified individuals are also ineligible for individual or team awards.
  • In the event of a team disqualification, the entire team must leave the competition area immediately upon notice of disqualification and is ineligible for any individual or team award.
  • All competition materials including injects, scoring sheets, and team-generated reports and documents must remain in the competition area.
  • Only materials brought into the competition area by the student teams may be removed after the competition concludes.